
Kalimah's Digital Practice

Book Your Exam

What's Included?

Led by Certified Master Iridologist, Kalimah Iman, this package offers a deep dive into your health through a detailed iris examination. You will receive a custom report, as well as a 1-on-1 consultation with Kalimah to discuss the results and collaborate on a personalized health coaching plan.

Professional Iridology Examination

Personalized Iridology Report

One hour 1-on-1 consultation

Custom health plan based on consultation and report

How to Get Started

Step One

Purchase your exam using the link below. Get $50 off and a free health & wellness
e-book for a limited time only!

Step Two

Check your e-mail for instructions on how to submit all necessary information. Your
free e-book will be included as well.

Step Three

Schedule a consultation to review your results with Kalimah and craft a personalized health plan.

Book Your 60-Minute Exam Session now:

$149 $99.99 

Yes, or use a Selfie Stick and snap your iris image. You can also hold your eyelids OPEN GENTLY & SLIGHTLY WIDE (refer to iridology video) on this site on how to look straight ahead & snap your pictures.

Take your time.
Take 2 pictures of BOTH IRIS a total of 4 images.

BLURRY images will be rejected with new images resubmitted.


Answer: Results are immediate, however a full exam and your personalized program plan takes up to 7 days. We will e-mail you your results and follow-up appointments are recommended.


Aiding in natural healing and health coaching.

  • Multiple body systems
  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses potentials
  • Healthcare prevention
  • Health management. 

It’s between you and your Iridology Practitioner. There isn’t a number or a limit to Iridology examinations.
Certified Iridology Exams are necessary to understand your individual needs and health benefits for healthy living.

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